國際薩克斯風大賽 2016 | Taichung Saxophone Competition 2016


國際薩克斯風大賽 2016 | Taichung Saxophone Competition 2016

報名資訊  http://www.taichungsaxophone2016.com.tw/sax/vvv3


比賽規則Competition Rule




初審:2016 年 6 月 24 日~ 7 月 8日
複賽:2016 年 7 月 29 日
決賽:2016 年 7 月 31 日


請洽04-2207-0976分機16 青小姐



(一) 通訊:詳填報名資料後,連同初審之DVD演奏影片或完整網路平臺影音連結(限爵士樂演奏),於2016年6月24日(五)前以信封裝袋密封,註明「參加2016臺中國際薩克斯風大賽」,掛號郵寄至「40442臺中市北區華中街15號,2016臺中國際薩克斯風大賽徵件小組收」,收件截止日期以郵戳為憑。
(二) 親送:詳填報名資料後,連同初審之DVD演奏影片或網路平臺影音連結(限爵士樂演奏),於報名截止前以信封裝袋密封,註明「參加2016臺中國際薩克斯風大賽」,親自送至「40442臺中市北區華中街15號」即可(收件時間為周一至周五,上午10點到下午6點止,遇國定假日停止收件)。

(一) 報名表一份,並貼妥2吋正面照片一張。
(二) 身分證正反面影本一份(無身分證者以「戶口名簿」影本為
(三) 提供初審用之演奏影音DVD一式2份,或完整網路平臺影音連結,演出內容為自選爵士樂曲目一首,演出長度以五分鐘為限。檔案格式請自行轉檔為符合NTSC系統標準之數位格式(每片光碟片上請註明參賽者姓名及演奏曲目),並燒錄成標準DVD影片(規格為完整VOB格式,內含Video、Audio兩個資料夾,影片可供一般家用光碟機播放;或MPEG/AVI檔,640×480或720×480,30fps可供電腦播放)。
(四) 已簽署之著作財產權授權聲明書。







(一) 初審:
(二) 複賽:

1. 指定曲(請擇一首曲目,現場演奏時間不超過5分鐘)。



All the Things You Are



Beautuful Love

I Got Rhythm

It don’t Mean a Thing

My Funny Valentine

Yardbird Suite

2. 自選曲(請擇一首曲目,現場演奏時間不超過5分鐘)。

(三) 決賽:













Swing 風格(中快板或以上) / 慢板 / 自選風格(如:Bossa Nova、Funk等)



(一) 複、決賽階段所有參賽者應搭配現場伴奏樂團演出,編制為鋼琴/爵士鼓/Bass。參賽者請勿自備樂團參賽。
(二) 參賽者請著正式服裝參賽,其服儀造型將列入「臺風儀態」之評分考量。

(三) 國際薩克斯風大賽決賽後,將舉辦參賽者交流會,時間、地點由主辦單位規劃,入圍複、決賽參賽者歡迎自由參加。

(四) 得獎金額超過等值新臺幣20,000元以上之得獎者,本國人士 依所得稅法代扣10%稅金,外籍人士代扣20%稅金。
(五) 得獎者應配合主辦單位規劃,於年度相關活動中演出1場次,時間地點由主辦單位另行通知,並提供機票及落地接待服務,不再額外支付演出或生活費用。
(六) 得獎者需提供肖像授權作為活動宣傳使用,宣傳時程為期一年。
(七) 外籍人士如需參賽之證明文件,請向主辦單位提出申請;參 賽期間來臺食宿及簽證請自行處理。
(八) 填寫報名表,因填寫不完整或所附資料未齊備,經主辦單位通知補件未於期限內完成者,則視為未完成報名手續,概不受理。
(九) 所受理之報名資料文件,恕不退件。
(十) 參賽者之參賽作品、報名資料或其檢附之相關證明文件,有抄襲或虛偽不實之情事者,經查證屬實,主辦單位得以撤銷其得獎資格,並追回獎金及獎品。
(十一) 主辦單位保留更動各場次賽程時間之權利。
(十二) 本賽事各階段入選或得獎名額,得依報名狀況及參賽水
(十三) 參賽者應遵守主辦單位公告之相關規定,若有未盡之事宜,及不可抗拒之情事,主辦單位擁有自主裁量。
(十四) 主辦單位保有依實際需要彈性更動本大賽規定之權利。

Application :

Deadline : June 24, 2016

Program :

Preliminary: June 24-July 8, 2016

Semi-Final Round: July 29, 2016

Final Round: July 31, 2016

Prize :
1st: NT$600,000 and medal
2nd: NT$300,000 and medal
3rd: NT$150,000 and medal

Contact Information:
Krist Ching
Summit Brand Marketing Co., Ltd
Telephone: +886-4-2207-0976, ext. 16
Address: No.15, Huazhong St., North Dist., Taichung City 40442, Taiwan (R.O.C.) (Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. except national holidays)

Application Instructions

a. Mail submissions:
Please mail (postmarked no later than Jun 24, 2016) the completed application form and 2 DVDs or any available type of network platform link (music video for preliminary round, limited to jazz) to the following address:
2016 Taichung Saxophone Competition
No.15, Huazhong St., North Dist.,
Taichung City 40442,
Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Note: Please use a delivery services that allows you to track your mail.
b. In-person submissions:
Please deliver the completed application form and 2 DVDs or any available type of network platform link (music video for preliminary round, limited to jazz) to
No.15, Huazhong St., North Dist., Taichung City 40442, Taiwan (R.O.C.) before June 24, 2016. Please note “2016 Taichung Saxophone Competition” on the cover.
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (except national holidays)

Application Requirements (Please include all of the following items)
a. Completed application form with one passport-size color photograph of the applicant (2” high definition, frontal head and shoulder shot) attached to it.
b. A photocopy of the applicant’s Taiwan (R.O.C.) ID card or foreign passport.
c. 2 performance DVDs or any available type of network platform link for the preliminary round: Choose one jazz piece and make a video recording no more than five minutes in length. Convert it to NTSC format, and make two standard DVD copies (VOB format, which includes two folders with video and audio for DVD players); or MPEG/AVI files (640 x 480 or 720 x 480 resolution, 30 fps) for computers. Please specify the applicant’s name and the musical piece title on each DVD disc.
d. A copyright agreement with the applicant’s signature and date.

Activities Aim :

Houli—the original “hometown” for Taiwan’s saxophone production—remains a key global hub for the manufacture of musical instruments.  In recent years, cultural and creative industry concepts have been adopted towards the goals of promoting Houli’s instrument-making industry and boosting local businesses.  The vision for this competition is to provide a venue for musicians from around the world to share experiences and exchange information with each other in order to broaden the horizons of Taiwan’s musicians and music scene, promote jazz music and instruments, and attract local and international recognition, thereby maximizing the synergistic impact of this event.

Competition Format:
Jazz saxophone performance: All contestants will be accompanied by a trio jazz ensemble (drums/bass/piano) provided by the organizer, and are not allowed to bring their own ensemble.

Competition Order:
The order of contestants in the semi-final round will be determined by lots.  Results will be posted on the official website one week before the competition. The order of contestants in the final round will be decided in an open, fair drawing by the contestants (or by the organizer if a contestant is absent).


a. Preliminary Round
One videotaped elective jazz piece, no longer than 5 minutes.
b. Semi-Final Round

1. Assigned piece: Please select one piece from the following list (Playing time should not exceed 5 minutes.)

Assigned Piece Title


All the Things You Are Scores can be downloaded

from the official website.

Beautuful Love
I Got Rhythm
It don’t Mean a Thing
My Funny Valentine
Yardbird Suite

2. One elective piece (Playing time should not exceed 5 minutes.)

c. Final Round
Please select one assigned piece (repertoire are as following) and two elective pieces for each of the three styles listed below. Contestants will play a total of three pieces on the site. The three musical pieces may have different lengths of time, but a contestant’s playing time should not exceed 15 minutes.

Assigned Piece Title


Moon Night Sorrow

Scores can be downloaded from the official website.
Contestants select one assigned piece, and play with one of the three styles (Swing, Ballade, Elective style).

Shines Through My Heart

Love in the Season

I Only Care about You

Rainy Night Flower

Spring Breeze

Swing (medium or fast) / Ballade / Elective style (eg. bossa nova, funk, etc.)

Prize :
1st: NT$600,000 and medal
2nd: NT$300,000 and medal
3rd: NT$150,000 and medal

Grading criteria :
Technique: 30% , Improvisation and Interpretation: 30% , Musicianship: 20% , Appearance and Stage Deportment: 10% , Timbre: 10%

Notes :

1.All contestants are required to accompany with a jazz trio ensemble provided by the organizer, and are not allowed to bring their own ensemble.
2.Please wear formal clothing during the competition. Dress code will be considered under the “Appearance and Stage Deportment” grading category.

3.The organizer will hold an after party following the Saxophone Competition. Semi-Final and Final Round competitors are invited. The date and venue of the party will be determined and announced by the organizer.
4.In accordance with Taiwan income tax laws, prizes exceeding NT$20,000 will be taxed 10% for Taiwanese citizens (20% for foreigners).
5.All the prize winners are required to cooperate with the organizer to give one performance in festivals or activities, according to the organizer’s annul schedule.  The date and venue of this event will be determined by the organizer, who will cover related air tickets and an airport arrival reception but not living expenses.

6.All the prize winners are required to provide his/her portrait and usage authorization to the organizer for promotional use over a one-year period.
7.Foreign contestants requiring certification of their participation should notify the coordinator by email beforehand. Contestants are also responsible for their accommodations, meals, visa, and travel arrangements to and from the competition.
8.Please fill in the application form completely. Incomplete application forms will not be accepted.
9.All the application documents will not be returned.

10.If a contestant’s musical entries, registration information or attached documents are found to involve in plagiarism or any form of misrepresentation, the organizer reserves the rights to disqualify the contestant from the competition, with any awarded prizes returned to the organizer.

11.The organizer reserves the rights to modify the date, venue and time order of contestants’ performances, subject to necessary or inevitable conditions.

12.Based on the registration result and performance level of the contestants, the jurors reserve the rights to adjust the number of semi-finalists and finalists during each round of the competition, or not to award a prize for the final round.

13.Contestants must comply with rules and guidelines at the organizer’s discretion.

14.The organizer reserves the rights to modify the rules at their discretion.